
Macro Indicators


Unemployment Ratio Has Been 9.1% in January 2024

The number of unemployed increased 85 thousand people in January 2024 compared to the previous month as to reach 3 million 214 thousand. The unemployment ratio increased 0,2 points. Unemployment ratio in younger population covering 15-24 age group has been 16,6%...

Türkiye Statistics Institute (TUİK) has released unemployment and labor force data of January. 

Accordingly, the number of unemployed of the age 15 and above increased 85 thousand people in January 2024 compared to the previous month as to reach 3 million 214 thousand 2024. The unemployment ratio increased 0,2 points to be 9,1%. Unemployment ratio of males estimated to be 7,7% and of females to be 11,7%.

The number of employed increased 160 thousand in January 2024 compared to the previous months to reach 32 million 222 thousand, employment ratio increased 0,2 points to be 49,0%. The subject ratio has been 66.0% in males, 32.4% in females.

The labor force increased 245 thousand in January 2024 compared to the previous months to be 35 million 436 thousand, labor force participation ratio increased 0,3 points to be 53,9%. The labor force participation ratio has been 71.4% in males, 36.6% in females.

Employment ratio in the younger population covering 15-24 age group, the unemployment ratio increased 1.1 points compared to the previous month as to be 16,6%. The unemployment ratio in this age group was estimated to be 14.1% in males, 21.1% in females.

Annual Report