
Macro Indicators


Central Administration’s Gross Debt Stock and Receivables by the Treasury as of the End of 2016

Central Administration’s Gross Debt Stock as of the end of 2016 realized as TL 759.6 billion - TL 468.6 billion of this amount consists of domestic debts and TL 291 billion of foreign debts…

Central Administration’s Gross Debt Stock data and Receivables of the Treasury as of the end of 2016 are disclosed by the Under-Secretariat of Treasury. According to the disclosure, Central Administration’s Gross Debt Stock as of the end of 2016 realized as TL 759 billion 647 million.

TL 468 billion 644 million of the debt stock consists of domestic debts, whereas an amount of TL 291 billion consists of foreign debts. TL 679 billion of the Debt Stock consists of Government Bonds and TL 79 billion 617 million of loan debts, besides TL 1 billion of the Bonds of the Treasury.

As will be recalled, Central Administration’s Gross Debt Stock was recorded as TL 751.8 billion at the end of November 2016 (TEBA).

Receivables by the Treasury realized at an amount of TL 17.6 billion as of the end of the year

Receivables of the Treasury realized as TL 17 billion 592 million 639 thousand as of December 31, 2016. The highest share of receivables of the Treasury amounting to 12 billion 329 million 417 thousand is represented by Municipalities.

An amount of TL 1.7 billion was collected within the scope of the Receivables of the Treasury as of the end of December 2016. Among Municipalities, Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality tops the list with a debt of TL 6 billion 141 million 656 thousand followed by Ankara Metropolitan Municipality with a debt amount of TL 1 billion 105 million 812 thousand, Electricity, Gas & Bus General Directorate (EGO) with TL 341 billion 699 million and Adana Metropolitan Municipality with a debt amount of TL 1 billion 164 million 556 thousand.

Receivables of the Treasury from State Owned Enterprises (SOE) are recorded as TL 2 billion 431 million 788 thousand. Highest claimed amounts are listed as TL 1 billion 600 million 773 thousand from the General Directorate of Turkish State Railways (TCDD) and TL 646 million 665 thousand from Turkish Electricity Transmission Co. (TEİAŞ) General Directorate.

Annual Report